
Sunday 20 November 2011

Pretend Starbucks at Home

When Hubs and I take an overnight trip that requires a hotel stay,
our favorite breakfast is a good cup of Starbucks coffee and fresh baked pastries.
Okay. Maybe I need to correct that.
That's my favorite breakfast.
Hubs would be much more likely to go for a pound of bacon with a side of eggs.

We don't do too much hotel staying in our current phase of life, and the closest Starbucks is a good 45 minutes away. I'm sure you can see my predicament, can't you. 
What's a girl to do on lazy Saturday morning (is there really such a thing as a lazy morning with two toddlers?), when you're craving fresh pastries and a latte?

Enter Pumpkin Scones.
My bloggy friend Susan (she has a private blog, otherwise I'd be sending you all over there)
posted the recipe for these a while back, and I knew I had found a solution to my woes.
This time of year I'm always looking for a recipe to use up my extra pumpkin puree anyhow, so really it kills two birds with one stone, right?

Here's how you can get your own fresh pastry fix...

Pumpkin Scones

2 cups flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
 1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp allspice
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
1/3 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
 1 tsp vanilla
Mix dry ingredients together. Cut in butter and crumble well. Mix together milk, pumpkin, vanilla.
Add to dry ingredients and mix together. Knead 3-4 times. Shape into circle and cut into 8 pieces.
Bake 20 minutes @ 375 degrees.
I made mine into mini scones, so I could eat more.
 I just cut the circle into 16 pieces instead...perfect for an afternoon coffee break too!

Now. This part is very important.
You will not have the same experience without the butter frosting.
Trust me on this one.

Whipped Butter Icing
3/4 cup icing sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 tsp boiling water
2 tsp milk
 2 tsp vanilla
Mix all ingredients together with hand mixer until smooth.
Pipe or spread the frosting over your cooled scones.
Sit down with a cozy blanket, light a fire, pour a cup of coffee or make a latte, and you're all set.

And Susan...thanks for sharing! ; )

And last, but definitely not least...I want to say a big ol' WELCOME to all the new BPPackages followers!!
I know some of you I have been able to welcome through email responses and others I haven't been able to reach (don't forget to change your "no reply blogger" settings!), so I want to make sure to say it here!
I appreciate you all so much! : )


Feathered Nest Friday

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


Weekend Bloggy Reading

To see the other great parties I'm linking up to, click HERE!


  1. I feel almost famous!!! You have made "my" (or my friend Kristin's) scones look so pretty!!!

    If I wasn't working full time this week I think I'd whip up some too - yum!!

    (I am tempted to un-privatize my blog - think of the traffic I'd get since you have such a following!!!) *wink*

    I'm so glad we became bloggy friend Evie!!

  2. These look fantastic! I too have the Starbuck's monkey on my back.

  3. I´m so envy you for having a Starbuks so cloas. We only have 1 Starbucks in our country (YEs in the HOLE country!!) AND it located in side the capital city´s airport. :-(

    :-) Love your blog!

  4. These look yummy and cute! Found you at Feathered Nest Friday. Now a follower!

  5. I have kept this recipe, will give a try maybe this coming weekend. Took a tour of your blog, loved your weddings pics. Following you. Diane

  6. Yay Evie! So glad that you joined Pin'Inspiration Thursday.

  7. Those look so good, I really think they are better looking than anything at Starbucks.

  8. Mmm these look amazing! yay following along :)

  9. These look terrific and I do like scones which are sure to be better with butter icing!

    Thanks for sharing your recipe with Potpourri Friday!

  10. Whipped Butter Icing - Yum! You should come and enter my Vanilla Bean Paste giveaway!

  11. Just have to say, your photos are amazing (esp love the chocolates in your header).

    Also, you could make some caramel syrup to really up your 'starbucks' factor

  12. Declicious!!! I'm so glad you visited and left me a sweet note because coming to your blog has been such a treat! I'm your newest follower and I'm off to explore more!

    Your newest friend,
    Aimee from

  13. Yummy! You made me hungry! I can't imagine being 45 minutes away from a Starbucks! haha :) You're stronger than I am! Found you via Wow Us Wednesdays.

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  14. This looks delicious! I love pumpkin scones, one of the things I look forward to in the fall, now I can have these year round ;) Thanks for sharing, and thanks to Susan as well. I'm your newest follower!

  15. Sounds like a great recipe. I made chocolate chip pumpkin bread this weekend and am enjoying a piece now with a hot cup of tea. Ah, the good life! Your last photo is lovely too. Very calming and soothing to look at. I'm your newest follower and I hope you can pop over to Cottage and Creek and follow back. Enjoy your day :)

  16. I've never had pumpkin scones. You make them look delicious!

  17. Yummy!!My hubby would love these with his coffee! I'd love for you to link these up to my Things I've Done Thursday link party that opens up tonight!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  18. I think I just got drool in the keyboard! These look so delish!

    I'd love for you to link up and share:

  19. Hi! I found you from The Arsty Girl! Your scones look great!
