
Sunday 18 December 2011

Comfort in a Crust

It's that time of year!
If you're anything like me, you're running around desperate to finish wrapping gifts, buying a few forgotten gifts, finishing up the baking (or starting) and smacking your head for yet again forgetting to buy and mail Christmas cards for your family members.
Or - if you're like a certain sister-in-law of mine who's name I shall not finished everything on Dec. 1st.
Which means you don't need to read the rest of this post.
But you probably will anyhow, just cause everything else is done and you're bored.

Anyhow, for the rest of you who are like me (running around in circles and possibly collapsing into a dramatic heap of tears), here's a handy dandy AND super yummy recipe that'll give you a bit of much needed time while dinner is baking and satisfy your taste buds. It's even a teeny bit healthy cause it has...shhh...spinach in it. 
(There's enough cheese in it to make sure it doesn't taste healthy, don't worry)


I'm not a huge spinach lover, really, but this dish is one of my favorites.
It's so yummy, savoury and cheesy.
Total comfort food on a cold, snowy day.

First you'll need a pie crust. Buy one if you want.
I usually make up a batch of pastry using the recipe on the back of the Tenderflake box (works great every time!), then I portion it into six balls and freeze it. That way, when I know I'm going to be short on time, I pull out a ball, thaw it during the day and it's ready to roll by dinner time.

Now make up the filling:

2 Tbsp. butter, softened
1 package cream cheese (8 oz.), softened
300 gr. pkg. frozen, chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed
4 eggs
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. black pepper
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
8 oz. grated cheese, Jack, Cheddar or Mozzarella
Handful of crumbled feta cheese

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Roll out pie crust and place in pie dish.
Cream together butter and cream cheese until smooth.
Add spinach, eggs and seasonings. Mix well.
Add grated cheese and pour into pie crust.

Sprinkle feta cheese (as much or as little as you want) over top.
Bake for 45 minutes or until set in the middle.

Cut into slices, serve up with a salad.

This is truly one of our family favorites...the three different cheeses may have something to do with that...but even our little kiddies LOVE it. So it can't be all that bad then, can it?

Mmm hmmm good!


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  1. That looks delicious. I've never had it before. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. I love spinach! And this recipe looks so good, I will have to make this for Christmas day. I may try one as well and substitute Artichoke. I think there are many possibilities with this recipe. The title of your post is wonderful - "comfort in a crust"...I love anything with crust. Pies, Pot Pies, Cheesecake, Quiche...anything with crust is the best.

    Thank you for the recipe - Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  3. This stuff is fabulous!!! When I got the email this morning, I knew I had to try this pie. My daughter and I made it for dinner tonight, and it was a big hit. Next time we will make two for dinner.

    I used 2 bags of fresh spinach instead of frozen. (It was on sale) I cooked the spinach in 2 tablespoons of butter on low until it was a real dark green. Then I squeezed the little bit of liquid out and drained it before putting it into the pie.

    Also, I used farm fresh eggs from happy chickens. I buy them from my neighbor.

    This recipe is incredibly delicious!!! I will definitely be making this again.

    Thank you for sharing this recipe. Merry! Merry!

  4. Yummy, just like a big sapnokopita! My favourite :-)

  5. This looks delicious! Eggs, crust and cheese...YUM!!

  6. Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday! Have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful Holiday Season!

  7. Super recipe. I hope to try it over the next week or two.
