
Sunday 4 December 2011

DIY Cutest Ever Lolly Ornaments

I think these lollies are my most favorite DIY project...ever.
It must appeal to my inner child, cause I had sooo much fun making them.

Sometime last year I decided I wanted to create a candy themed tree for my daughter's room this Christmas.
I bought a few ornaments on sale after Christmas last year, but there really wasn't too much available.
After searching online, I quickly realized I could have a whole plethora of candy themed ornaments...if I was willing to sell my right arm and leg for them.
I wasn't that eager or willing.
So I decided to figure out how to make as much as I could myself.
And from that...the cutest ever lolly ornaments were born! (at least I think they're the cutest ever!)

First I went to my fave in town shop...the Dollar Store...and searched for some modeling clay.
Some white, and several other bright colors.

I rolled out little logs of clay into flat pieces...about three inches long by an inch wide...

...then stacked the colored piece on top of the white...

Then carefully cut out a piece about one third of an inch wide.
Don't throw out the scrap side pieces though! You can still use them.

Then I rolled up the piece, making sure the colored clay was on top.
I pinched the end together a bit and then rolled, slightly pinching it all together while rolling.
Don't worry about cracking...we'll cover that up later.

I used my daughter's mini rolling pin to slightly flatten out the lolly piece and even out the sides.

Then I inserted a craft stick, gently pushing it through the center of the lolly, making sure it didn't poke out the other end.

Once I finished rolling all the store bought clay I had, I let them dry overnight in a glass.
There was no info on the package stating that I could bake it, or even that it would dry out, but I decided to try air drying, rather than experimenting with baking it if it wasn't intended for that. 

Then I rolled up all the little scrap pieces into smaller pieces of "candy".
So cute, right?!

I realized I needed more lollies for the tree, but was too impatient to pack everyone up for another trip to the Dollar Store, so I decided to make my own modeling clay.
You can click here for the recipe I used. Now - I have to say I wasn't thrilled with this dried out pretty quickly and required quite a bit of babying. However, if you want to try making your own clay...there are oodles of recipes to be found online, so look around for something that you think will work nicely.

I made these lollies larger by cutting my strips longer - about 6 inches.
Then I let everything dry overnight.
Leaving them alone was definitely the hardest part!!

The next morning I painted the sticks white with acrylic paint.
I could have used regular lollipop sticks, but I personally liked the length of the craft sticks much better.

Then I used matte Mod Podge to seal the clay.
Mod Podge will cover up a multitude of mistakes and cracks!
I let the first coat dry completely, and then covered it with a thick second coat...

...and then I sprinkled opalescent glitter all over the lolly before the Mod Podge dried.
Don't be stingy with the glitter!
When glitter is involved...more is more!!

Remember those little pieces of candy? I sealed and glittered those too and then glued a little loop of fishing line to the back to make hanging ornaments.

Ooohhh! I just love them!!!

I arranged the brighter colored lollies into a little glass container to add to the little candyland vignette.
By the way, the end result on the Dollar Store clay? It definitely didn't dry out overnight, but it did firm up a little. Once I sealed it with Mod Podge, it hardened significantly and became very usable. Because I know that these lollies are not going to be handled often, I am totally happy with them even though they still are still a tiny bit malleable. I expect over time they will harden completely.

For now though, I'm finding myself sneaking into my room and drooling over her little candy tree.
Full reveal to come on that, so y'all come back now y'hear?!!


Feathered Nest Friday

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


Weekend Bloggy Reading

The DIY Show Off

Tip Junkie handmade projects



holiday home button centsational girl

To see the other great parties I'm linking up to, click HERE!


  1. SO fun! You're totally right-with glitter, more is more. Thanks for the information about using the Mod Podge. That's great to know for future reference. Love your Candyland :)


  2. These are the sweetest, most fun project! I love them! The colors are perfect!! I am adding this as a feature to my latest blog post. LOVE!

  3. Oooh love these! I found a gorgeous Gingerbread man themed tree over at Cozyhomescenes Blog and started a list of must haves for next year's tree that included some lollipops! Will definitely have to make some like this, thanks so much for sharing
    have a wonderful Christmas

    Ro xx

  4. Darling idea! I love the glitter and the sweet look of these. You did great!

  5. These turned out o cute! The lollipops give off that nostalgic feeling, don't you think? Anyway, nice work, and thank you for showing us how it is done!

  6. oh my gosh! These are super cute!! I gotta try them out for my tree! :) Thanks!!!!

    I would love for you to come by and link this up and any other projects at my linky party.

    Happy Holidays!

    Angie from A Little Inspiration

  7. Adorable!! I love these - especially the glitter :)

  8. Evie, you've outdone yourself yet again! These are ADORABLE! I cannot wait to see the whole tree.

  9. Love these!! So super cute!!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I am your newest follower from Randee's Organized Chaos!!! Would love for you to come check me out and follow along if you like!!!
    Also, I am having my 1st Linking Party and I would LOVE it if you would link up this project!!! THANKS!!!

  11. Love.Love.Love these. How ingenious! Thanks for this idea, it is great!

  12. These are so pretty! Love the colors, your ingenuity, the glitter- all of it. Thanks!

  13. Ok, I am in LOVE! Pinned for sure!!!! We'd love you to share it with our readers as well for Fun Stuff Fridays linky party.

  14. I love these! They are so adorable! I would love it if you would stop by and share at the crafty link party going on right now at Lines Across My Face.
    I hope to see you soon,

  15. I love lollipops! These are adorable!

    I'd love for you to link up this week at my Friday Favorites party!

  16. These are so cute and colorful! Love them!

  17. These are darling! I would love to have you link this great project p @ my blog this week!

    Have a great day!

  18. They're absolutely darling and so whimsical! So glad I saw your link-up over at "The Answer is Chocolate"!

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  19. I love these!! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Friday!!

  20. Congrats on being featured on The 36th Ave!

  21. Just gorgeous...Pinned...

  22. These are totally the cutest things ever!! I love how girly they are! Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark and continuing to share your amazing ideas. I'll be featuring these on my Sunday Sparks. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and hope you are having a fun filled December!
    Jenn :)

  23. These are so cute! What a great idea.

  24. What a sweet project! Please consider sharing with my readers at

    Christmas blessings!

  25. Fabulous project and even better tutorial! I think that I just might have to attempt these or let my girlies make their own. Thanks so much for the idea! Can't wait to see the finished tree!

    have a happy week!

  26. oh my ! i LOVE these !! i've pinned them and will be trying them next year ... or maybe even sooner to give them away next year ! i wonder how long they will last ? what do you think ?

  27. These are so charming! I've featured them over at this week's Craftastic Monday - stop by & grab a Featured On button. Thanks for linking up!

  28. Absolutely LOVE these. Love them without the glitter and even more with! p.s. My daughter loves working with clay and I had no idea you could make your own modeling clay so thanks for that too!

  29. These are so cute- the glitter makes them perfect! You could probably use a needle and run the fishing line through them before they dry so you don't have to glue it on. Love them!!! :)

  30. Those are adorable! Just love them with glitter.

  31. Hi Evie - I will be featuring your lolly ornaments tonight at Project Queen's #12 Highlight Party. Thanks so much for sharing these. They are adorable!

  32. I LOVE these! I would have a hard time putting them away after Christmas. ;)

  33. a candy christmas tree?! so cute! these are so adorable, and of course the final glitter touch is perfect! thanks for sharing!

    -rachel w k

  34. I LOVE THESE!! I'm brand new to all of this - can someone tell me what everyone means by "pinning"? And what's a linking party?
    I've always REALLY wanted to be crafty but I have to admit, I'm really not creative :-(. And there's so much out there that I didn't know where to start - it's so overwhelming!! But these look like something I could do! And they're so cute!

  35. These are amazing!! Your daughter is a lucky girl to have such gorgeous ornaments in her room. I'm flat out getting the main parts of my home decorated!

  36. These are SOOO adorable. I featured you today on Pin'Inspirational Thursday's and Pinned these beauties.. Please stop in and have a look/grab a button.. THANKS again for linking.. Hope you come back again today.. THANK YOU.. Wishing you an amazing rest of the week.. xoxo.. Marilyn ..

  37. This is such an adorable project. I really love it. I will definitely try making these for our kitchen Christmas tree next year.

  38. These are A+dorable...and I wish I had found you and them sooner! I was looking for something cute...with these kind of colors for a tree in the room that I have here for my grand babies...but you can bet I will be making these even if not in time for Christmas...and will be your new follower as soon as I get done typing this message...and can't wait to cover every square inch of your blog! Merry Christmas!
    Stop by and visit sometime!

  39. Love these I totally know what you mean with the cost involved I added a candy tree to my collection this year and the ornaments are all cute but so expensive. I will be making these for sure the grandkids are going to love this.
