There's no doubt about it...we are heading full tilt into my favorite season.
I love, love, LOVE summer.
Every single thing about it (except the noise of the fan at night and the mosquitoes, but that's it.).
But probably my most favorite part about this time of year is being able to throw open the windows and doors in the mornings and let the fresh, cool air in. Aaaahhh.
Lucky me - I inherited my dad's very sensitive sense of smell (that was a blast when I was pregnant. Not.),
so stale house smells drive me around. the. bend.
A few years ago, in my daily battle to keep a fresh smelling home, I discovered a recipe for make-your-own linen spray. (Unfortunately I don't have the source of this recipe anymore.) I was all over that, let me tell ya.
I started making it and spraying it on our bed linens in the mornings when I made up the bed and, even though I'm not a huge fan of the scent of lavender, I LOVE the freshness this spray adds to the sheets. Divine!
Hubs will even comment on how much he loves that first wave of lavender when the comforter is thrown back at night. I'm sure he loves me for sharing that with you too. : )
Think it might be too complicated to make?
Think again.
It doesn't get any easier than this, my friends.
All you need are three simple ingredients:
2 cups distilled water
4 oz. vodka
40 drops lavender essential oil (or any other essential oil you prefer)
You'll also need an empty, clean spray bottle.
First measure out the vodka and pour into the bottle, then add the essential oil.
Shake it up really well. The alcohol mixes with the oil, whereas the water will ya need it in there!
Then add the water.
Screw the top back on, shake it up again and wipe the sweat from your brow.
Now go throw some windows open and spray those sheets!
Then you may pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit down, breathe in the freshness and pat yourself on the back for having achieved total domestic goddess status.
: )

DIY Project Parade
It's Just Called Spicy
To see the other great parties I'm linking up to, click HERE!
It's Just Called Spicy
To see the other great parties I'm linking up to, click HERE!