
Sunday 17 July 2011

A Few Favorite Garden Spots...

Here's a picture of the courtyard garden I mentioned in a previous post about repurposed candle holders. This was at our first home, which we recently sold before we moved to our current location.
 Hubby and I spent countless hours landscaping...growing plants from seed, potting, watering, pruning and deadheading. The yard was a complete disaster when we first moved in, so we poured a lot of love, sweat and tears into everything (okay maybe not tears!). 
I have to admit I really, really miss that yard. I so loved stepping out the door in the morning 
to water and deadhead in the cool morning air.

Then we moved.
Once the snow melted...this is what we saw to be our new backyard.

Granted this is right after the snow melted and even the most beautiful yard doesn't look nice then.
But heart kind of sank.

Since then, we have done a bit of rearranging, a lot of container gardening and lots of weed killing! There is still a loooong way to go before we have things looking the way we'd like, but I'm happy to say I have come to love a few different areas in the yard. So I thought I'd share them with you too!
Come along for a little tour...

This old bench was sitting all forlorn along the fence, so I pulled it over and plopped it down into a corner of a rock bed and then planted a couple of pots with...what geraniums! Someone needs to remind me every year though, that I can NOT grow sweet potato vines! I love, love, love the look of them at the greenhouse, but every year I plant them I just make them miserable. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I'm positive they just see me coming and then decide to shrivel up and lose all their brilliance.

That bench has a special spot in my heart. If there is anything my momma taught me, it was to pray about Nothing is ever too small or too insignificant to pray about.
Well a few years back, still in our previous home, I decided that I wanted a twig bench to put in my garden. I looked and looked at every garage sale I ever saw, and even debated going up to a complete stranger's home to ask if I could buy theirs. (I chickened out) So then I decided to ask God for one, thanks to Mom's constant preaching. But I never saw one again. Eventually I used a different garden bench in the spot I had in mind, wholeheartedly loved it and never gave it another thought.
Then we moved in to this house. A few days later, hubby pointed out, "Guess God answered your prayer got your bench!" It's true! And I love that bench! Now I'll probably drag it along with me to every new house we live in because I can't ever seem to part with anything sentimental!

My parents gave us this beautiful fountain,
and I've really enjoyed watching the lilies grow up and around it.

These lilac bushes were already here, but we decided to add another garden bench in front to create a little focal point along a long stretch of bare fencing.

Hostas are my other plant crush. I just can't have enough of them!

You've already seen this spot in this post. Those trees were in desperate need of pruning this spring, with their branches all the way down to the ground.
We're looking forward to tasting the cherries and apples later on in the season.

I used some of my courtyard garden furniture and pots to create a quiet little corner to sit.
The kids play area is right across from here, so it's nice to have a place to soak up the sunshine
while they play.

The petunias are finally starting to fill in nicely now
(not so much when this pic was taken).

And lastly, the deck right off our kitchen.
I did not like this spot at all for a long time...too small...too hot and not enough privacy.
But the addition of an outdoor rug and a big umbrella has turned it into a spot where I now love to enjoy a morning cup of coffee and listen to the breeze blowing through the trees!

I think my candles sat out in the sun a little too long! Recognize them?!

More geraniums! My salute to my Swedish heritage, where so many of the homes have beautiful red geraniums growing in the sunny windowsills.
I absolutely adore them.

I like adding palms to my potted plants for their tropical touch...much appreciated in this Alberta climate!

That's about it for this year, but next summer we have lots of plans for a pergola, a rock patio
and maybe even a fountain. I can hardly wait!

Thanks for walking through the garden with me today!!



  1. Thank you for commenting. Your blog title is one of my all time favorite songs (Barbara Streisand's) :)
    The vanilla products company on EBay has even better bean prices!
    Your plants look great...wish I could grow nasturtiums, too short of season here.

  2. Oh you have done a fabulous job on your yard, and I adore the story about praying for that twig bench. It looks so cozy there.

  3. Thanks so much ladies! We really love working out there...very rewarding! (when it's not!)

  4. How gorgeous your gardens are. I have a black thumb, so when I see something green and plush, I am in envy. Thanks for joining my newbie party and welcome to blogging!~

  5. You've done a beautiful job with your garden. Love the twig bench. I just became your newest follower.

  6. It looks great! I know exactly how you feel about leaving a completed yard, but then look how you transformed the new one already! I love the fountain and the lilies around it.

    I'm looking forward to following your blog!

    Have a great day.

  7. You really have green thumbs! What gorgeous use of color and texture. Just beautiful!

  8. Thanks so much ladies! :) And welcome Pam and Barb! I'm so glad you chose to follow along...always an honor!! :)

  9. So pretty! I can't imagine leaving my yard - that must have been gut wrenching. BUT - you were given a blank slate! Which is what I started with here. Sometimes it can be fun to start over as well.

    What is it about sweet potato vines?! I can't get them to do anything either. Ah well. Doesn't stop me from trying every year. :o)

  10. I can see you have a green thumb or two. Your garden is wonderful and I love your lay out ideas. Your blog is wonderful just popping over from Debbie's site. I love your photos and style. Enjoy Kathy

  11. Hello from your neighbor at Wow Us Wednesday. I especially like the lilies. They look perfect.

  12. It's obvious you and your husband put a lot of love into your garden. You have a beautiful space. Enjoy!

  13. I love what you've done with the yard. It is looking beautiful. I love the pretty little vignettes you've created.

  14. Thank you all so much! :)

  15. Everything is looking great! I love that bench you found along the fence-you made a perfect spot for it!

  16. WOW!!! So beautiful!! I love the geraniums!!!

  17. You are really making this garden a show piece!! Love all the special areas you've created! Visiting from the Newbie Party!

  18. SO beautiful! Thank you for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  19. Your yard is looking great and I love the story of the bench. Thanks for joining WUW.

  20. Simply Beautiful! I love how your gardens are just bursting with color! Love the accessories, too. Love that you gave that found bench a home! So pretty! Thanks for sharing.

    I'm hosting my monthly Before Blogging Throwback Thursdays party, and would love for you to link up anything you made/did/bought Before Blogging(this post would qualify, because of the pic of the previous home.) Can't wait to see what you bring to the party.

  21. What a gorgeous post! You really have green thumb! Love those greens...those beautiful flowers! It is heavenly! Thanks for sharing:)
    Now, am your newest follower...hope you will follow me back:)

  22. First time here... it looks great. I bought an empty lot years ago that now is a jungle, I love looking back at the transformation. EnJoy your garden ~ Jacque

  23. New follower here. Believe me I know how hard it is to leave behind a yard that you put so much love into. Every three years DH was getting orders for somewhere else. But with each new yard I learned something! Anyway, love your garden and especially loved the story about the bench.

  24. Luvit! Looking forward to watching your garden grow.

  25. Gorgeous Gardens...thanks for sharing over here at Cottage Flora Thursdays this week! xoxo, tracie

  26. Your new yard looks absolutely beautiful :) even though you left one that you loved, now you get to make this one even more special! And everything you have pictured above makes me desperately want my own yard to pour myself into!

  27. You have done a wonderful job! Amazing what one season can do when you work really hard. I love all your pictures - thanks for sharing,
    Paula in Idaho (ps - if you are ok with it I have added your link to my blog - thanks! )

  28. You have created a real oasis out of a plain backyard. You sure have the knack!

  29. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gardens. I love what you have done.

    I think seats make a garden so inviting, and I like the way you have used chairs and benches.

    I like the umbrella idea, too, because I'm big on shade and backyard privacy.

    All your plants look so healthy. Well, except the sweet potatoes. No tips for you there.

    I find that about this time of year making a list of what I would do differently comes in so handy for when I plan next spring's garden projects. You probably do the same.

    Keep up the good work. I found you at Handy Man Crafty Woman.

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