
Monday 26 September 2011

Pinspiration Monday!

Happy Monday friends!
I hope you had a great weekend. We had lots of fun visiting with out of town friends and spending some time at a nearby lake, soaking up the warm sun (yes, the weather is completely confused here lately).

Today I'm running a bit of a "kid" theme.
I found SO MANY great things on Pinterest this week, that I just had to share!

For anyone who's known the pain of wondering and waiting for a child and your prayer was answered...this will warm your heart, like it did mine.
How great would this be hung on the wall to always remind your child how special he/she is?

Seriously? I want a little cubby like this under the stairs!!!
So it, love it, LOVE it!
How adorable is that tree? And the color scheme is so pretty too. 

While we're on the topic of trees...I'm just nuts over this idea of branches/shelves!!

My jaw hit the floor when I saw these beds.
What little girl wouldn't want something like this?! I know I would have!!

And not to be outdone by the fantastic is this idea for a boy's room?!

This just speaks for itself.

I'm loving these elephants! So adorable.
And now I've got to try to figure out how to make them!

Way too cute!

How sweet is this idea for adding a special touch to a shower gift?
My daughter is way past the onesie stage, but I think this could easily be done to a plain T-shirt too.

Way. Too. Stinkin. Cute!!!!

I think these would make such fun little stocking stuffers for Christmas, no?!

Oh, if only my own kitchen looked this cute.
My kids would be all.over.this.

The brilliance and creativity of some people is simply amazing!
SUCH a great idea! 

And finally, wrapping up on a sweet note with a kid friend treat.
Donut holes, nutella, chocolate sprinkles and a pretzel stick?
I'm seeing a fun Thanksgiving dessert for the kiddie table here!!
Love it!

Well that's it for today, friends!
But before I go, I want to say a BIG "welcome" to BPPackages newest followers!!
I'm so glad to have you here and I hope I hear from you often!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Blingety Bling Pumpkins!

Hey everyone!
Have you all been busily crafting up fall decorations this week?

Last weekend I promised you a tute on how to bling up your pumpkins if you like a little sparkle and shine even before the Christmas decorating starts. I know I like it all year round!

Well, let me tell you friends...this project is so easy that anyone at any crafting skill level can do it
and you won't know when to stop!
Trust me!

First I went to my favorite dollar store (Dollarama, for my fellow Canadians), and stocked up on several pumpkins. The biggest were $2 each and the smallest were $1 - how can you go wrong with that,
even if you do mess up, right?!

Then I sprayed them all over with a couple coats of an aluminum colored spray paint.
So easy!

While I was at the dollar store, I wandered down the craft aisle (best aisle ever!) and threw whatever caught my fancy into my basket. The rhinestone packages are stickers that I believe are meant for scrap booking.
I also picked up some stencils, thinking I could use them with black paint and accent with a few loose rhinestones (great thought, right?), but let me tell ya...that was a big, fat FAIL. Argh!

Anyhow, back to the rhinestones.
I then cut apart the different shapes and swirls...

...then carefully peeled off the backing and stuck them onto the pumpkin wherever I thought they looked nice.
Seriously. Does a craft get any easier than that? I think not.

I like the way they fit in with the color scheme and style of our bedroom.
A bit of silvery grey and a bit of glam.
(Do not tell my hubby that I used the word "glam" to describe our room.
He likes our room and what he doesn't know won't hurt him! )

Here are some close ups of the different gourds.
Hopefully they will give you a few ideas of what you could do with your own.

And there you have it!
How easy was that?
Now go forth and blingify your pumpkins.
I'm pretty sure that's a word.

If you need some more ideas...good ol' Pinterest to the rescue!
Here are some great blinged up pumpkins I found in the last couple of days.
(There are so many more pictures on there now than there were when I did my Autumn Inspiration
 post the end of August. Wowza!)

Have fun, my friends!
I can't wait to see what you come up with!
The DIY Show Off

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Weekend Bloggy Reading


To see what other great parties I'm linking up to this week, please click HERE!

Monday 19 September 2011

Pinspiration Monday!

Happy Monday, everyone!

Today I'm excited to start something new.
 In an effort to provide you with more than just shots of my unmanicured hands and my latest crazy project, I'm starting Pinspiration Monday! I chose Monday, cause Sunday is about the only day I have no cleaning duties to occupy naptime...leaving me free time to pin like there's no tomorrow!!
That didn't sound quite right.

Well, anyway...without any further yakking...let me show what's been inspiring me (okay, making me envious)
this weekend!

This desk. I want. I want bad.
I know exactly where to put it and I want it.

Just a tiny bit cuckoo over the color combination here. Well, over everything actually.
The railing, the steps, the damask and especially the couch.

Are you seeing a theme here?
I am digging black and white BIG TIME lately.
It's just so crisp and fresh and clean and...oh...where's my paint brush?
I can't get over those chairs and the zebra rug.
Love, love, LOVE!!

Okay, enough of the decor. I'm starting to glare at all the oak trim around here.
How about this yummy goodness to add an inch to the hips?

Or this. I must be hungry.
I could eat this for breakfast, right?

Don't these little carmel apples look ah.may.zing?
I'm optimistic enough to think I want to try it making some myself.
And busy enough to probably never get around to it.
A girl can dream, right?

These look pretty stinkin amazing too.
Wouldn't these be fun scattered down a Thanksgiving buffet as part of the table decor?
(Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away here in Canada)

While we're on the topic of candy stunning is this candy table?
Okay, and the chandelier.
Makes me want to have a party just so I can do this.
Maybe a party for one.
That way I don't have to share the candy.

This just tickled my funny bone.
Hubby just thinks I'm weird...but I know the truth.

That's it for today, folks!
But one last thing...a HUGE welcome to all the newest BPPackages followers and "likers" on Facebook!!
You seriously  make my day! And week! And month!