
Monday 26 September 2011

Pinspiration Monday!

Happy Monday friends!
I hope you had a great weekend. We had lots of fun visiting with out of town friends and spending some time at a nearby lake, soaking up the warm sun (yes, the weather is completely confused here lately).

Today I'm running a bit of a "kid" theme.
I found SO MANY great things on Pinterest this week, that I just had to share!

For anyone who's known the pain of wondering and waiting for a child and your prayer was answered...this will warm your heart, like it did mine.
How great would this be hung on the wall to always remind your child how special he/she is?

Seriously? I want a little cubby like this under the stairs!!!
So it, love it, LOVE it!
How adorable is that tree? And the color scheme is so pretty too. 

While we're on the topic of trees...I'm just nuts over this idea of branches/shelves!!

My jaw hit the floor when I saw these beds.
What little girl wouldn't want something like this?! I know I would have!!

And not to be outdone by the fantastic is this idea for a boy's room?!

This just speaks for itself.

I'm loving these elephants! So adorable.
And now I've got to try to figure out how to make them!

Way too cute!

How sweet is this idea for adding a special touch to a shower gift?
My daughter is way past the onesie stage, but I think this could easily be done to a plain T-shirt too.

Way. Too. Stinkin. Cute!!!!

I think these would make such fun little stocking stuffers for Christmas, no?!

Oh, if only my own kitchen looked this cute.
My kids would be all.over.this.

The brilliance and creativity of some people is simply amazing!
SUCH a great idea! 

And finally, wrapping up on a sweet note with a kid friend treat.
Donut holes, nutella, chocolate sprinkles and a pretzel stick?
I'm seeing a fun Thanksgiving dessert for the kiddie table here!!
Love it!

Well that's it for today, friends!
But before I go, I want to say a BIG "welcome" to BPPackages newest followers!!
I'm so glad to have you here and I hope I hear from you often!


  1. Cute stuff! I saw most of them already on you Pintrest, since I'm following you!! *wink* Not like in a stalker way though. :-)

    I love that acorn idea - I am having a little party at the end of October and I'd like to go with a Thanksgiving/Halloween theme for food. Keep up the brilliant ideas!

    OH, I LOVE that under the stairs play house nook idea - LOVE IT!!

  2. Okay, that under the stairs playhouse is AWESOME!!! And the tiny owls are cuter than cute.
    That first play kitchen was made with plans from Ana White's website (she's so awesome). We made the oven and sink for our daughter's birthday last year. This year we'll be adding the fridge. I think I love it more than she does. :o)
    I have those acorn donut holes pinned too. Definitely on my to-make list this fall!

  3. Oh my, I had pinned a few of those ideas but now I want them all

  4. I love the first one with the hand prints, Im praying for another baby now! So sweet! :)

  5. My girls would LOVE that bedroom - but doesn't it seem to have a lot of wasted space behind the walls? - Your far too practical friend, Lynda

  6. Haha - good thing I know who you are! lol! I think that those might be closets...that's my guess anyway. (I did kinda have the same thought myself...but I still love it!)

  7. Well, I followed a few links and it looks like those beds/alcoves were custom built! Wow!!!

  8. Love Pinterest, so much fun!!

  9. First, I am so addicted to Pinterest!
    Second, I love this post!
    After hoping for a baby for many moons, when our boy arrived, I knew his name was Samuel- "I asked God for him"!
    Thank you for visiting my place!
    Kerry at

  10. Such cute stuff! I love all those little girls rooms! I feel like a slacker since my daughter's room's not quite that creative! :)
    Debra @

  11. I love these gorgeous pins-great Pinspiration here!

    Thanks so very much for linking up to my Pinning and Singing Pinterest Party. I am so thrilled that you joined in. I hope to see you again again this weekend!

    Best wishes and happy pinning!
