
Thursday 22 September 2011

Blingety Bling Pumpkins!

Hey everyone!
Have you all been busily crafting up fall decorations this week?

Last weekend I promised you a tute on how to bling up your pumpkins if you like a little sparkle and shine even before the Christmas decorating starts. I know I like it all year round!

Well, let me tell you friends...this project is so easy that anyone at any crafting skill level can do it
and you won't know when to stop!
Trust me!

First I went to my favorite dollar store (Dollarama, for my fellow Canadians), and stocked up on several pumpkins. The biggest were $2 each and the smallest were $1 - how can you go wrong with that,
even if you do mess up, right?!

Then I sprayed them all over with a couple coats of an aluminum colored spray paint.
So easy!

While I was at the dollar store, I wandered down the craft aisle (best aisle ever!) and threw whatever caught my fancy into my basket. The rhinestone packages are stickers that I believe are meant for scrap booking.
I also picked up some stencils, thinking I could use them with black paint and accent with a few loose rhinestones (great thought, right?), but let me tell ya...that was a big, fat FAIL. Argh!

Anyhow, back to the rhinestones.
I then cut apart the different shapes and swirls...

...then carefully peeled off the backing and stuck them onto the pumpkin wherever I thought they looked nice.
Seriously. Does a craft get any easier than that? I think not.

I like the way they fit in with the color scheme and style of our bedroom.
A bit of silvery grey and a bit of glam.
(Do not tell my hubby that I used the word "glam" to describe our room.
He likes our room and what he doesn't know won't hurt him! )

Here are some close ups of the different gourds.
Hopefully they will give you a few ideas of what you could do with your own.

And there you have it!
How easy was that?
Now go forth and blingify your pumpkins.
I'm pretty sure that's a word.

If you need some more ideas...good ol' Pinterest to the rescue!
Here are some great blinged up pumpkins I found in the last couple of days.
(There are so many more pictures on there now than there were when I did my Autumn Inspiration
 post the end of August. Wowza!)

Have fun, my friends!
I can't wait to see what you come up with!
The DIY Show Off

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Weekend Bloggy Reading


To see what other great parties I'm linking up to this week, please click HERE!


  1. Fabulous Evie! I love it! I want to to to the Dollarama tomorrow! Angie xo

  2. Your pumpkins are super! I've been painting pumpkins myself today, but I stuck with black and orange this year. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. -Lindsey

  3. gorgeous! Who doesn't love a blinged out pumpkin!

  4. LOVE, love, love. These remind me of mendhi, so pretty.

  5. Great idea! Love the results! I am visiting from Freshman Friday and am your newest follower!


  6. Love the pumpkin bling!! So clever!

  7. Great idea & a great look! "Blingin' never looked so easy!"
    :) CAS

  8. Just found your beautiful blog! Happy to be following!

  9. These are sooo pretty! I love seeing pumpkins with a little sparkle. This is so easy... plus I love how the rhinestones and silver have a tone on tone look. It is a subtle, but very pretty effect.

  10. SO pretty! And who doesn't love some BLING!!! Stopping by from Sew Can Do link party.

  11. This looks great!


  12. I love, love, love the bling, Evie! I have been looking for some black blinged out pumpkins for a party I am throwing and am now going to make my own! What was I thinking shopping around?!?! :) Thanks for the inspiration and for linking up at Freshmen Friday!

  13. Your pumpkins are so pretty- I love the little jewels you stuck on them.

  14. I Love it! A lot. Those pumpkins are so beautiful and classy.

  15. These silver pumpkins are about the cutest things I have seen so far this Halloween season!! I love them!!!!

  16. Fancy and fun! Very creative, thanks for sharing those.

  17. You did a brilliant job! I definitely think blingify is a word too!

    If you have 5 Minutes to spare I would be honoured if you could link up this post to my weekly Pinning & Singing Pinterest Party. This post would be perfect! I have also created a Pinning Bloggers Master List that you might be interested in joining.

    Best wishes and happy pinning!
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

  18. Love those glitzy pumpkins! What a fun idea.

  19. Thanks for posting! I so want to bling some pumpkins. I saw you at Sew Can Do's blog hop, and I'm a new follower.

  20. These are super cute!!! Guess I'm headed to the Dollar Store tomorrow.. :) Thanks for sharing!

  21. LOVE this! the glitter and glam is all the rage this year. It's so fun to see some glam during halloween time. take care! I'm a new follower!


  22. Love them...the rhinestones really add so much!

  23. Beautiful!! I will be stopping at Dollarama tomorrow! I'll share this on my facebook page as well. Thanks for linking up to The Creative Spark! Have a great week.
    Jenn :)

  24. Oh my goodness, love these!

  25. OMG these are gorgeous, and cinderella would so approve. I just love bling, and who said halloween had to be dark and scary. Love the bling bling....gret job
    Happy Fall

  26. Looks amazing! Don't take them down when the season is over... too nice!

    ~ Meredith From A Mother Seeking Come find me on my blog, A Mother Seeking...

  27. Your glam pumpkins look fantastic! What a great idea. And inexpensive too...bonus! :)

  28. All of these photos are beautiful. Your pumpkins really look amazing!

  29. Your pumpkins look great! I made these this year anas well and they are so easy and cute :)

  30. Great looking pumpkins! Every lady needs a little bling and so does her house!!

  31. I love the look of the pumpkins. I picked a few up from the dollar store and have some glitter paint meant for them. This is the inspiration I need to get started!

  32. Beautiful! Bling on the pumpkins has replaced frost on the pumpkin!

    Thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday. I appreciate your participation!

  33. Hi Evie,
    There is nothing better than blog-surfing and coming upon a simple but beautiful project idea like yours...thank you so much for sharing. I am hosting a dinner party on Saturday night and couldn't come up with an idea for a centerpiece that was fallish but a little different. Well, thanks to you I'm off to the store to buy some aluminum spray paint to create some blingy pumpkins for the table. Your post was right in time!
    Thanks so much,
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  34. This is a great tutorial and seems really easy! Would love for you link up at my party and share --

  35. Amazing and so simple! I would love for you to link up with us at
    Hope to see you there!
    New follower,

  36. So fabulous! The only thing that makes a pumpkin even better is bling, right?! :) They look so elegant. I'd be thrilled if you'd link up at my pumpkin craft challenge!

  37. Those are absolutely fantastic!! I am just loving all of the different ways to dress up (or bling up!) pumpkins. :-) Thanks so much for sharing this at Inspiration Friday!

  38. How fun! And definitely gorgeous! I think Cinderella might not have been upset if her carriage turned in to one of these pumpkins! ;)

  39. A pumpkin fit for Cinderella!
    :) crafty texas girls

  40. Amazing! I love all of your pins too!

  41. Why didn't I think of that?! They look so glam! I painted some pumpkins silver last year, now I'm going to have to embellish them and give them some bling. Thanks for inspiration.

  42. These are so beautiful! I want to make some Cinderella pumpkins of my own!! So happy I found your blog and could see how stinkin' easy this is!! ;)

  43. These are gorgeous! I am all about the bling and just love these swirly rhinestones. Turned out great!

  44. Wow, these turned out great! And I love that they hardly cost anything. Imagine what a decorating store would charge!

  45. This is beautiful! I'd love for you to join my brand new linky party!

  46. These are just Great!! I painted a few Metallic Silver, now I will have to add some bling too!!

    Thanks, Nancy

  47. These are so great - thanks for sharing your tutorial! Saw you on linky party now gfc following you, Karima :)

  48. Hi Evie, Wanted to let you know I featured this as part of my link party wrap up! Please feel free to grab a featured button from my side bar if you like!

  49. Your "glammed up" punkins are just gorgeous. I WILL be making a trip to the $ store today. Thanks for sharing your inspiration at Kate's party. :-) Sue

  50. Oooh! How sparkly and pretty! Love them!

  51. I adore these! You did such a great job with each one of them! Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this @ Show & Share!

  52. I love your pumpkin so I featured it today! Check it out here. :)

    Feel free to stop by and grab a button if you'd like.

    Have a great weekend!!


    Allison @ House of Hepworths

  53. Wow! Those are truly amazing looking pumpkins. Great ideas I'll keep in mind for next year. Great to hear you're a fan of Dollerama. I'm forever going back and forth to get just one more thing!

  54. These silver pumpkins are about the cutest thing Have a great weekend
