
Saturday 3 September 2011

The Decorating Has Started!

Has Autumn arrived in your neck of the woods yet?
It certainly has here. Hubs saw geese flying south in the middle of August!
 (I won't talk about the minor hissy fit I threw when he told me)
The unmistakable turn took place on August 31st. The day before was hot, hot, hot and the next day the temps dropped to 2 C.! Brrr!

So in order to bring the fall feeling inside, I started a tiny bit of decorating...

Remember my Autumn Inspiration post? In searching Pinterest for ideas, I came across so many adorable fabric pumpkin ideas, that I just had to try one out for myself. Couldn't help myself!
 I was supposed to be resting in bed and getting over that nasty cold, but instead I plunked myself down on the floor of the craft/sewing/storage room and threw this little cutie together.
Sitting on the floor is still technically "resting"...right?

I found this tutorial and used it as a basic guideline. I had just enough left over fabric from my ruffle pillow to put it together, and used a bit of jute twine and hot glue to form a "stem". doesn't get any easier than this. Seriously.  
On my next trip to Michaels, I bought a stem of velvety leaves and some berries, then pulled a few off and glued them around the twine.
I love how they pull it all together!

It looks all nice and comfy nestled in an old wooden crate from my grandparents...

What have you planned for your fall decor? Have you started crafting already?
I have a few more ideas whirling around in my head and I'm looking forward to sharing them with you soon!


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  1. Oh my goshhhh I cannot WAIT to start decorating for fall! It's my main inspiration to get my normal decorations up and in place, so I can get out the FALL DECOR!!! :-) Love what you've done so far!!!

  2. Thanks Mallorie! I look forward to seeing what you do! I still can't believe how fast you've unpacked your place...amazing!

  3. Love it! Makes me want to get ready for fall :) That jute around the stem is the perfect finishing touch

  4. That is adorable! Us here in texas are just praying for weather under a 100 degrees, those birds are idiots to fly here, it too hot! ha!

  5. Oh my goodness! This makes me want to start decorating for fall TODAY!!! :) IT is adorable! Thanks for following my blog! I am now Following your amazing blog back! Can't wait to catch up! Btw, if you get a chance, I would love for you to link this up to my Weekend Soiree! :) Have a wonderful day!

  6. Love how the red pops against the white. I must try one of these

  7. Absolutely fabulous! love that little pumkin with wood box for display. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party.

  8. I love this idea...think I just might try to make one...thanks for sharing.


  9. That is so cute. I'll have to try that. I have enough scrap fabric sitting around here.

  10. Love the white pumpkin - too cute!!! I am visiting from Debbie's Newbie Party. :-)

  11. Oh my gosh--THIS IS SO CUTE! I am a sucker for anything related to Fall decor and will HAVE to try making this. I love it!

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to share this with So Sweet Sundays! :)

  12. looks like you are off to a great start if you find time come see me at

  13. I saw your link over at DebbieDoo's and I gotta say that I'm loving this Fall pumpkin! :) cute idea!
