
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Kitchen Christmas Vignettes

Christmas Blogger Party Season has arrived!
Last year I spent hours as a non-blogger reading post after post linked up to the various parties out there, so this year I'm super excited to actually be a participant!

There are some great vignette parties coming up so...of course I have to join in!

These shelves in my kitchen have become my favorite to decorate for every season.
Funny...considering how much I disliked them when we first moved into this house (the previous owners left them behind). I'm going with a red/white/silver theme in the kitchen this year, so I have had lots of fun creating something out of both new and old items.

This sleigh was a gift from my sister in law years ago.
My mom let me sift through her boxes of Christmas decor last year (I inherited my Christmas-decorating-disease from her) so her berry and pine sprays were definite must-haves. Love them.

The little silver basket was also from my mom, and I'm inclined to think it was from her mom, but I'm not totally sure about that. I love it and was so happy to see it again in one of my totes this year (I have a habit of forgetting where I've packed things).

The little alpine tree is a favorite and I'm really enjoying seeing it out on display this year.
Of course, every Christmasy home needs some yummy smells too, right?
I thought this apple cinnamon scented reed diffuser fit right in with it's cute little snowflake design!

On the opposite wall is my little peppermint themed vignette, together with the advent tree.

The tutorial for this candy stripe ruffle wreath is here, in case you missed it early this week! 

The kiddies are anxiously awaiting opening up their first advent package tomorrow morning!
Ooooh treats!!

I have been hunting for apothecary jars all year long, and I finally found the taller one last August at a Christmas blowout for one of the local hardware stores in our old hometown. It had been marked down to $11...I grabbed that thing so fast and felt like yelling "start the car!!" to my mother-in-law.
I did restrain myself, don't worry.
The smaller jar is from the local Dollar Store. Love those Dollar Stores!!!

My brother and his family are spending Christmas with us this year and they loooove candy, so these were put out with them in mind (hopefully the sour cherry balls are still there by Christmas!).
 Although I discovered the other day that it's rather tricky to get anything out of that taller jar, especially if you're trying to be sneaky about it!
It's sort of like the monkey with his hand on the banana inside the jar.
You can get your hand out, but not if you're holding onto the candy!

Recognize this shabby chic mirror turned chalkboard from last summer?!

I'm looking forward to showing you the rest of my kitchen soon, along with the rest of the house!

I have some fun ornament tutorials coming up soon, so be sure to check back for those!
Here's a of them involves glitter and another involves fabric, fire and sparkly gemstones! Hmmmm....

Linking up to:

To see the other great parties I'm linking up to, click HERE!


  1. I love how you've done everything and particularly the Advent Tree! I am not decorating this year as we are going back to the UK next week for a month! It feels odd not decorating but I am collecting all my favorite ideas together and making lists for thrift stores and year my house will be like Santa's Grotto LOL! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  2. So excited to have just found your blog and in perfect time for the Christmas season! Love the sleigh and love the story of the apothecary jar even more! I know exactly how that feels and still need to do some more searching! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Your peppermint themed vignette is darling. I love your wreath. Visitng from A Thoughtful Place.

  4. LOVE! LOVE! your peppermint themed vignette is adorable! and you did a great job with the shelves too!
    visiting from A Thoughtful Place, so happy to have found your blog!

  5. I just adore your Peppermint themed area - and your photography is excellent as well!!

  6. Oh my goodness, your peppermint vignette couldn't be more festive and fun! You did such a great job combining all the pieces!

  7. I can't tell you how much I love this! I am doing a candy theme for Christmas Eve and there is so much inspiration here. Thanks for linking up.

  8. Super cute! I just bopped over from A Thoughtful Place. Love the bright fresh peppermint candy theme you've got going on! How fun!

  9. Can you say UHHHH-DORABLE? lOVE HOW YOU PUT EVERYTHING TOGETHER! I love little chalkboards too, I like how you used that to write little Christmas sayings! Very pretty, and smart!

  10. Your Christmasing is beautiful! I love your pretty little Advent tree. The little sleigh is precious and how fortunate for you to get some of your mother's Christmas things!
    Magazine worthy!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Love your peppermint themed vignette, Evie! Everything looks good in an apothecary jar, especially candy! All your pictures are so good.

  12. Very nice array of vignettes, Evie. The "trick" jar will be fun when your guests arrive. Visiting from French Country, and am following you now. I invite you to visit me and follow me as well, if you see things you like. :) Merry Christmas!
