
Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Thanks Again!

So is everyone having a good summer?! Hopefully you're getting some good summery weather where you live! We have had rain, rain, rain and thunderstorms nearly every day we're hoping for lots of good summery days ahead of us in August (just in time for hubby's holidays, preferably)!

I want to say a BIG, HUGE, GINORMOUS thanks to a few bloggers for featuring my Girly-Girl Pillow from last week. The response just blew my mind! I was almost a bit embarrassed to publish that post because I didn't think anyone would actually like it! (How's that for confidence, hey?)
I was more than a little surprised when I saw notifications of it being pinned and repinned on Pinterest as, wow, wow!

But enough with that...let's get to the point!!
A big shout-out to these great bloggers...
katherines corner


One Row

Thank you SO much!!
I know I keep saying it, but it just blows me away every time I see a project featured on another blog.
Do go on over and check them all out!

The first time I saw a ruffle pillow, it was on Jones Design Company.
I absolutely adore Emily's blog, and when I first discovered it, I read every post I could find in her archives.
I noticed her tutorial on her ruffle pillow, thought it was so cute and mentally tucked the inspiration away for the future. In the weeks and months that followed, I saw some other variations of the same style pillow and loved those too. When I decided to make one myself, I purposely refused to look back at any of these sites because I wanted the pillow to be mine and not a copy cat.
After it was finished and the post was up...I went back to Emily's tutorial to refresh myself on how she had done it. At first I was amused...and then completely horrified when I realized that they were almost identical!!! Even the tutorial, right down to the pictures, was SO similar! Gasp! Yikes! No, no, no!
So, in the off chance that some of her readers would happen to wander over to my little blog, I knew I had "some 'splainin' to do, Lucy!" So let me assure absolutely every way, it was completely a fluke!
Or great minds think alike...however you want to look at it.
But it was most definitely not intended to be a copy cat!!

Phewf. Okay, glad I got that off my chest!
Having said all that... now march on over there and check out all the other beautiful throw pillows she has created. Her tutorials are awesome and there is inspiration to be found in every corner!!

Well, things might be a bit slower around here this week.
Several of my family members are here visiting, so my attention will be a little more focused
on things like cooking, laundry and showing off the surrounding area!
There is one fun little re-do coming up this week though,
so keep your eyes peeled for that...ooooh the suspense!! *grin*

Before I sign off though...a BIG HUGE WELCOME to all my new followers!
It's always so exciting to see those numbers going up! I appreciate your support so much!!

Until next time!!

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