
Wednesday 3 August 2011

Shabby Chic Mirror Made Over!

Hello everyone! Are you still there??!

I feel like I've been gone from my "blog family" for a loooong time...even though it's only been just over a week! But while I've been away from cyberspace (does anyone still call it that?), I've been getting in lots of good visiting time with my real family and that has been fantastic!

I had hoped to post this project sometime last week, but didn't find the time to squeeze it in...

Back in my single before-there-was-a-man decorating days, I bought this cute little vanity mirror at a little boutiquey store in Banff. I've always really loved it, even though I haven't used it for quite a few years now. For any of you that have been reading along for a while now, you know that I'm trying to pick away at my stash of doesn't-work-here decorating items and repurpose them into something that works in this house! This mirror fell into that stash.

Aside from needing to tighten up some screws, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Cute, huh?
But I started thinking that maybe it could lead a different life now...something a little more useful.
I've often admired those little menu chalkboards that the ultimate hostesses (I'm sure Martha has one!)
 use for Easter brunches, Christmas dinner, New Year's Eve buffets, etc., and I thought this could transform
into a menu board perfectly.
Now I know there's nothing overly original about that idea, but that's okay.
It's my mirror!

Being the impatient person I am, I didn't want to wait until hubby found some wood and cut it to size for I just sprayed chalkboard paint right onto that mirror.
 I don't know if that's a major faux pas or not, but I did it anyway. I figure if I ever change my mind
and want to use it as a mirror again, it won't cost much to have one cut to fit.
Two coats of paint gave beautiful coverage.

On a side do you like the lovely bouquet of clover and dandelions that can be found in our lawn?! Purdy, huh!
(I kid. Big time kid.)

Here she is all finished.
I like her.
This was probably one of the easiest makeovers I've ever attempted.
The hardest part was waiting for the paint to cure!

Fresh rhubarb bread anyone??

Hubby said he's looking forward to coming home and checking the menu board
to see what's for supper.
I think he just likes the idea of a pre-warning...
(Hmm...McDonalds? Or stay home?)

Now I'm just gonna spend a bit of time working on my chalk penmanship...


Linking up to:

36th Avenue


  1. I really like the mirror turned menu chalkboard!
    Very cute.

  2. I LOVE THIS! (as I do all of your stuff!) I sound like a broken record but you are talented friend! SO talented! Can I come hang out at your house in hopes that some of your creativity will rub off on me?? Please??

    I totally want one of these...hmmmm....maybe once I've unpacked all our boxes I too will find some "treasures" that need making over!

  3. And hey, it seems I can post a comment if I don't log in with my google account...strange that but whatev, get ready for lots of comments!!! :-)

  4. I think it looks wonderful and fun!

  5. This is such a great project...charming! Hopped over from Savvy Southern Style!

  6. Thanks ladies! :)
    And Susan...c'mon over! Weird about the commenting thing...if I had any computer knowledge maybe I'd have some idea why...but yeesh...I sure don't. :( Glad you found a way that worked though...I love hearing from you!!

  7. That turned out amazing! I love the shape of the mirror. The rhubarb bread sounds pretty good too!
    Jenn :)

  8. Love your transformation, ya just gotta love chalk paint. Really cute idea, thanks for sharing.

  9. The frame is delightful! And the rhubarb bread sounds mouthwatering!

  10. Okay, now I am mad! I just sold one like this at my antique mall booth! I could have had the cutest chalkboard ever. Yours is fantastic.

  11. I love this, Evie! What a great new life for this decorative mirror. The frame is just perfect for a whimsical looking chalkboard!

    visiting from WUW! : )

  12. Adorable!

  13. Your chalkboard mirror really came out wonderful. I love the idea of changing a mirror to a chalkboard. I had not thought of that. I have done silver trays but not mirrors. BTW Hubby and I honeymooned in Banff. Now I need to tell him it's time to go back to find my mirror. :-)


  14. So cute! I used chalkboard paint over a mirror and it ended up scratching it - doh! Hope you have better luck than I did. Coming over from My Romantic Home and your newest follower!


  15. Very cute makeover! I really like it as a pretty chalkboard! Have fun trying to write pretty with chalk-still working on that myself!


  16. That looks really wonderful! I am wanting to try a chalk board. Just have to find the right piece.

  17. That's cool.

    Saw your link on 'Homemaker on a Dime'. I am hosting my first Link-up party - Tea Time Thursdays. Would be glad to see some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see ya at the party :)

  18. This is super cute and a great idea, lovin it! Would love for you to share it at my party HERE if you have a chance! It's open until tonight:) Have a great Friday!!

  19. I love creative! Love your French Press, too.


  20. That is precious! The shape and detail is fabulous!! It looks so pretty sitting on the table with the food. Love it!

    I'm here from Amanda's.

  21. I love this!! It's fabulous!!! Thank you for sharing. I love your blog. Kathi

  22. Oh, just lovely! I really like how versatile it is. You could use it in different rooms, for different occasions. Tres cute. ;)

    Thanks so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party (and for linking back-I appreciate that!). :)

  23. Very sweet... perfect for a menu board!

  24. I just hopped over to check out you blog from the comment you left on my baseball cake pops- what a beautiful blog you have here! I love this idea!

    We should do a blog swap sometime soon!

  25. Courtney, that sounds great! My email is'd love to hear from you! :)

  26. How Absolutely adorable!! I love it!! Thanks for linking up at FNF and sharing this!! :)

  27. I love this cute idea!!! Your pictures are very yummy looking.


  28. ~Adorable~

    OK another idea I have to "steal"! Thanks for the inspiration!

